Monday, April 27, 2009

the show & the world of publications.

The show was successful. We have hundreds of people show up and the room was packed from the time we opened until almost a half hour after the show had ended. I was given many compliments, heard one negative and brushed it off. I always like to remind myself that art is subjective; one person may not like your work but like another. They can create something you don't necessarily like, either -- it's all a matter of personal tastes and opinion. However, I don't suggest walking around a gallery and talking smack about someone's work. You never know if the artist is standing nearby. And once you do, don't try and cover it up with a compliment. Just saying. Artists should have a sense of class when it comes to these things. Non-artists may not always understand how to act in a gallery setting, and that's okay, I just wish people would keep a certain level of etiquette in mind. I do, however, respond to constructive criticism.

I have been lucky enough to have as single sample of my work in a magazine, on post cards and hung in a gallery. Albeit the magazine is a campus production, the circulation is pretty large and despite having 39 people in the class, only 5 were put in the article. The post cards were simply promotional material for the show, but I like having extras because it's something nice to hold onto as a reminder.

With summer approaching and my campus on its way into exams, I wondered what I would be doing over the summer. Every year I travel and every year I brought a camera, but I never did much actual photography work. I was more of a tourist, snapping shots of anything and everything. This year, I'm not sure I can afford to go very far. I'll be going to do some fund raising for a weekend in Sandusky, Ohio -- at Cedar Point and a small chance I may drive down either to Nashville or New York City. With limited funds, I want to challenge myself and keep working. That being said, I'm going to publish a book full of photographs. Inspiration still hasn't come yet. It's tough knowing what I want to do but unsure what I want the actual content to be. I like to give myself projects and brainstorm my own ideas and let them flow continuously until I finally come up with a great end product.

That being said, this is where the brainstorming, inspiration searching stage begins.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

some assembly required.

My first show is this weekend!

I've had my work in shows before so I suppose this doesn't count as my first. When I look at the logistics, it should be my third or forth. I've had work hung in shows since my senior year of high school and through out my career as a graphic design student and yet this is different. We've spent an entire year creating work, planning out where and when the show would be and slaved over installation, deadlines and pulling together an entire show from scratch.

Click any of the thumbnails to enlarge them.

I have six portraits in a piece called "Identity" that focuses on what people wear and how they present themselves in order to form their own sense of identity. It took two semesters to come up with work I was proud of. The first semester, I shot portraits of animals, deciding during the second that I would take the plunge and move on to human portraiture. Overall I'm proud how it all turned out. I have postcards with one of my images and even have one inside of a publication made for our campus.

Here's to hoping for a great opening and that it's the first of my many gallery showing experiences to come.